Tuesday, April 5, 2011

The Post Office Made Me Laugh

Today at the post office I overheard this conversation between the clerk and a elderly female patron.

Patron: who do I make this check out to?
Clerk: USPS, but the next one make it out to "Randy" (the clerk's name)
Patron: Oh goodness, that was my last check, but I would have been generous.
Clerk: Keep talkin' like that and I will follow you home!
Patron: oh my, I have a fiance' ! I am engaged to Jesus!
I have had two earthly husbands and I am done with teaching!

Elderly Male Patron standing in line: so, you lookin' for a Spiritual Man.

This made my day, my week and I hope to never forget the wise words of this woman.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Potholders and Colour Work

After seeing all the wonderful Potholders Swapped last year on Ravelry.
I decided to take the plunge and toss my name in the hat.
Crocheting is not my forte having very limited experience and being self-taught.
But I admit, I am enjoying making these very much. Am using Thaki Cotton Classic and Elan Sonata, and believe working with the abundance of colours available make the process even more enjoyable.
I have 4 completed out of the 5 required. It will be such fun to see what will be received. Part of the fun has been seeing all the incredible holders being hooked.

I have also recently completed my first Stranded Colour-Work. This is a gift for Meg's B-Day later this month.
This project was a challenge at first but persevered and am mighty pleased with the results.