Looks like an ordinary shoebox...but is it?
Oh my, is that possibly ....gulp....YARN!
Look at all that squishy, colorful, yarnyness.
I'll admit it.
I can not pass up a good deal and WEBS is fueling my addiction.
They had closeout pricing on all this Araucania Bulky and it begged to be worked up into hats for the nieces Christmas presents.
Don't all the girls you know want big, slouchy, tam style hats this season?
Though, I distinctly remember saying, I wasn't going to make knitted gifts this year.
After swearing Wendy to a blood sister pack to assist in the stashing , she whisked it home, swifted it into nice little cakes, and returned it in disguise.
You have to get fairly inventive regarding hiding your newest stash...when you live with a skinflint!